Business Coaching Services
No matter how business savvy you may be, sometimes knowing which steps lead to the most productive path isn’t immediately obvious. That’s when a one-on-one Business Coach comes in handy.
What are you up against?
- Downsizing or restructuring that’s let the air out of your workforce?
- Suddenly being tasked with leading a cross-cultural team halfway around the globe?
- A merger that’s changed the entire playing field as well as the star players?
- A new boss with an entirely different set of expectations, and a management style that seems contrary to what you’re accustomed to?
If you’re at a crossroads, I can offer constructive feedback that’s both truthful and empathetic — and with total confidentiality. That’s not something you’re likely to get from colleagues, or even your boss.
Think of me as a one-on-one, personal focus group. My years of experience make me the perfect sounding board because I’ve “been there, done that.” “That” includes managing economic downturns, corporate downsizing, financial crises, emerging technologies, changing office cultures, international teams, P&L management, and experience leading a $5-billion worldwide upstream and downstream marketing division. You can learn more details about my experience on my résumé.
Convenient Scheduling In Person or Remotely
Whether in person, via phone or video conference, I’ll do my utmost to accommodate your schedule. Call me at 713-397-5416 or email me at to discuss the best options for you.